Scientists Claim Cro Magnon DNA Fully Modern, Unchanged For 28.000 Years & Disprove “Out Of Africa” Claim

In 1950, the United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) issued a statement asserting that all humans belong to the same species and that “race” is not a biological reality but a myth. This was a summary of the findings of an international panel of cultural anthropologists, geneticists, sociologists, and psychologists.

United Nations

Many new scientific discoveries have been made since 1950, especially in the field of genetics, indicating that humanity does not share the same ancestry and is in fact a hybrid species, not one single “race”. DNA evidence shows that ancient humans rampantly interbred and indulged in interracial (cross-species) sex with multiple sub-races of different creatures, including mystery DNA in modern Africans, neither human nor Neanderthal, not found in non-Africans.

 You will learn that there were at times different human species’ living simultaneously, each having their own physical characteristics and history.

 Scientific evidence refuting the popular theory of modern humanity’s African genesis is common knowledge among those familiar with the most recent scientific papers on the human Genome, Mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomes. Regrettably, within mainstream press and academia circles, there seems to be a conspicuous – and dare we say it – deliberate vacuum when it comes to reporting news of these recent studies and their obvious implications.

Australian historian Greg Jefferys explains that, the whole “Out-of-Africa” myth has its roots in the mainstream academic campaign in the 1990’s to remove the concept of race. When I did my degree they all spent a lot of time on the “Out-of-Africa” thing but it’s been completely disproved by genetics. Mainstream still hold on to it.

The academics most responsible for cementing both the “Out-of-Africa” theory and the complementary common ancestral African mother given the name of “Eve” – in the public arena and nearly every curriculum, were Professors Alan C. Wilson and Rebecca L. Cann.

In their defense, the authors of this paper were fully aware that genealogy is not in any way linked to geography, and that their placement of Eve in Africa was an assumption, never an assertion.

A very recent paper on Y-chromosomes published in 2012, Re-Examing the “Out of Africa” Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasians) in the Light of DNA Genealogy only confirms the denial of any African  ancestry in non-Africans, and strongly supports the existence of a “common ancestor” who would not necessarily be in Africa. In fact, it was never proven that he lived in Africa.

Central to results of this extensive examination of haplogroups (7,556) was the absence of any African genes. So lacking was the sampling of African genetic involvement, the researchers stated in their introduction that, “the finding that the Europeoid haplogroups did not descend from “African” haplogroups A or B is supported by the fact that bearers of the Europeoid, as well as all non-African groups do not carry either SNI’s M91, P97, M31, P82, M23, M114, P262.”

With the haplogroups not present in any African genes and an absence of dozens of African genetic markers, it is very difficult nigh on impossible to sustain any link to Africa. The researchers are adamant that their extensive study “offers evidence to re-examine the validity of the Out-of-Africa concept”. They see no genetic proof substantiating an African precedence in the Homo sapien tree.

Russian Geneticists Disprove Out of Africa Claim

We regard the claim of “a more plausible explanation” as a gross understatement, since there is absolutely nothing plausibly African turning up in any test tubes. In fact, the researchers made note of their repeated absence stating not one non-African participant out of more than 400 individuals in the Project tested positive to any of thirteen African sub-clades of haplogroup A.

Only remaining uncertainty relates to the identity of this “more ancient common ancestor”. All that can be stated with confidence is that humanity’s ancestor did not reside in Africa. Unfounded accusations of racism have become common, as the prevailing Afrocentric hypothesis is constantly being challenged by the growing mountain of conflicting scientific evidence, especially in the evolving field of genetics.

There has been intensive study on the topic of the Neanderthals, especially over the last few years as archeological digs, scientific projects and newer technologies discover more and more of their remains, past dwelling places and insight into their daily lives. Based on analysis and much study, scientists have even been able to determine that Neanderthals were about 99.7% human, and that if your heritage is non-African, you are part Neanderthal.

Scientists have determined that some of the human X chromosome in modern Humans who’s roots are Non-African actually originate from Neanderthals, and that only Non-Africans carry about 1-4% of it. Based on these findings, it has not yet been determined whether to classify them as a separate species of humans or a subspecies of modern man, i.E Homo sapiens.

It seems they were not as dumb as people were once led to believe either. Studies of remains left by Neanderthals include bones and stone tools, but now there are evidences of them burying their dead and burial behavior, (quite certainly also including rituals), cooking of grains and vegetables as well as meats in a stomach lining (not unlike the same method that is used for making haggis), caring for the sick, having dogs as pets, speech and singing. (yep, singing, as well as evidence that they made and played flutes). They made and used flint tools so sharp that they are sharper than a surgeons scalpel, sharper than a razor to shave with.

On top of that, get this; it has also been discovered that they were the ones responsible for the earliest carved stone figurines and earliest cave paintings from around 45,000 years ago, using perspective painting and drawing techniques not seen again until the 15th century European art movements. These are best shown in deep underground caves in France and Belgium (So much for dumb, lurking, simpleton, nose picking, belly rubbing Neanderthal).

Cave Painting

Some other revelations and recent new discoveries about this previously thought “primitive human species” have led scientists to re-assess their definition of what exactly is a “unique human trait”. It seems Neanderthals were much more like modern humans than we previously thought or were led to believe. For instance, they also figured out how to make a “man-made pitch from heating birch tree bark” (after chemical analysis it was found to be a man-made and manufactured thermal plastic material, a superglue, not SAP as thought at first.

It included a pitch extraction thermal process several hours long involving 600° heat from a controlled fire and a dry distillation with exclusion of oxygen (they knew freakin’ oxygen-free dry distillation), this would make Neanderthals the engineers of the world’s first and oldest synthetic material as well as the first to introduce a genuine industrial process, NOT US, and all this “only” about 200,000 years ago. Archaeologists have so far been unable to replicate this manufacturing process using Palaeolithic technology alone).

Far from being the violent brutes they are traditionally depicted as, Colin Wilson (Author of “In Atlantis and the Kingdom of the Neanderthals) shows that the Neanderthals had sophisticated mathematical and astrological knowledge, including an understanding of the precession of the equinoxes etc.

Much more accurate DNA-based reconstruction has also shown that they didn’t look much different from us, hence the not surprising idea of interbreeding at some past distant point. The source population of non-African modern humans 70,000 years ago (Early Modern Man) was already more closely related to Neanderthals than others in Africa, which long before then had ancient genetic divisions even within itself and was not a factor in the early European genetics or play a part in the European DNA evolutionary process. (There were actually at least 3 species of Humans (or perhaps sub-species of Humans) that co-existed in Europe and Asia at the same time). It is known however, that Neanderthal and early European modern man genetic hybridization resulted in the first “Europeans”.

Researchers recovered ancient DNA of Neanderthals by extracting the DNA from specimens from the Vindija Cave, Croatia, and other bones found in Spain, Russia, and Germany and elsewhere. Results found genetic evidence for fair skinned, light and even red haired as well as blue eyed, and even DNA evidence for freckles. The long held assumption of a lurking, hairy, gorilla-like appearance is now seen to be incorrect, as well as the previous held assumptions about their intelligence. They definitely were not sitting around scratching themselves and eating bugs. This is fascinating stuff that has been coming out over even just the past 3 years. The analysis and research of David Reich, a geneticist at the Harvard Medical School and who is behind many of these recent discoveries is “Neanderthals live on in non-Africans.”

Neanderthal derived DNA accounts for an estimated 1–4% of the Eurasian genome. Findings show that the DNA difference between many modern humans and Neanderthals is only 3 million base pairs out of the total of 6 billion base pairs in the human genome. This figure amounts to 0.5% difference between Neanderthal/Human DNA and incredibly this is the same DNA base pair difference on average as between you and a stranger on the street (base pairs which account for gender and individual inherited differences such as hair color, eye color, height, facial characteristics, etc). Results also show that Cro-Magnon DNA is identical to the DNA sequences of modern Europeans.

On a side note, populations without Neanderthal DNA are still found in the world today.

cro magnonA Cro-Magnon DNA sequence 28,000 years old was obtained from fossil bones discoverd in the Paglicci cave, in Italy. The results show that the DNA is identical to the DNA sequences of certain modern Europeans.

The DNA sequence has remained static and unchanged in over 28,000 years.

Of course this means that Cro Magnon was a fully modern individual who perhaps was built more strongly and had a larger brain capacity.

The study went further. They sequenced the DNA of the 123 people who could have been in contact with the fossils since their discovery to rule out contamination by modern humans.

If Neanderthal is supposed to have lived in Europe beginning 300,000 years ago and Cro-Magnon for the last 30,000 years or so and it turns out that their “Modern” DNA is unchanged since that time; when did we do all that evolving?

That should shut the mouth of the naysaying scientists who were having a wee bit of trouble seeing their cave man vanish into thin air.

A short time ago, in another article earlier this year, about Neanderthal man, scientists reported that their DNA sequencing of a 38,000 year old Neanderthal man showed that his DNA matched “modern man” by 99.99%. That’s the same DNA match that exists between any two people living today.

That being said, science has now found that the entire cave man  evolutionary myth, made “real” by portraying “Cro-Magnon” & “Neanderthal man” as short, brutish, dumb and hairy “cave men” has been replaced with a new reality, which unlike most of Darwinism is actually backed up by the fossil record.

Cro Magnon and Neanderthal, both had larger brains than modern man, and neither were ever found in Africa.


There are still scientists at this very moment who claim that Neanderthal could not speak, that he had no language and that he did not interbreed with Cro-Magnon or “Modern” man. There are still scientists who claim that “Cro-Magnon” never learned how to ride a horse. These evolutionists refuse to come out of the cave.

As enlightening as these findings are, the authors still claim that these two populations lived side by side by as much as 10,000 years without interbreeding, which could seem plausible if you’re convinced you’re dealing with a “pre-human group” and a “human group”. The truth is however, that we’re dealing with men as modern as you and I. Recent sequencing of the neanderthal genome has conclusively shown that not only did Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal interbreed, but that all current Caucasian and Asian populations share Neanderthal genetics. The article abstract follows;

Abstract Background

DNA sequences from ancient speciments may in fact result from undetected contamination of the ancient specimens by modern DNA, and the problem is particularly challenging in studies of human fossils. Doubts on the authenticity of the available sequences have so far hampered genetic comparisons between anatomically archaic (Neandertal) and early modern (Cro-Magnoid) Europeans.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We typed the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hypervariable region “I” in a 28,000 years old Cro-Magnoid individual from the Paglicci cave, in Italy (Paglicci 23) and in all the people who had contact with the sample since its discovery in 2003. The Paglicci 23 sequence, determined through the analysis of 152 clones, is the Cambridge reference sequence, and cannot possibly reflect contamination because it differs from all potentially contaminating modern sequences.


The Paglicci 23 individual carried a mtDNA sequence that is still common in Europe, and which radically differs from those of the almost contemporary Neandertals, demonstrating a genealogical continuity across 28,000 years, from Cro-Magnoid to modern Europeans. Because all potential sources of modern DNA contamination are known, the Paglicci 23 sample will offer a unique opportunity to get insight for the first time into the nuclear genes of early modern Europeans.

Added to this and other anomalies, we have the human skull that challenges the Out of Africa theory outright. The discovery of a skull in Greece that has the potential to change what we know about human evolution, and a suppression and cover-up which followed.

The “Petralona man”, or Archanthropus of Petralona, as it has since been called, was found to be 700,000 years old, making it the oldest human europeoid (presenting European traits) of that age ever discovered in Europe. Dr. Aris Poulianos’ research showed that the Petralona man evolved separately in Europe and was not an ancestor of a species that came out of Africa.

Some authors believe that the Petralona cranium is derived from a unique class of hominids different from Homo erectus. Runnels and Van Andel summarise the situation as such:

 “The only known hominid fossil in Greece that may be relevant is the Petralona hominid, found by chance in 1960 in a deep cavern in the Chalkidiki. Controversy surrounds the interpretation of this cranium, and it has been variously classified as Homo erectus, as a classic Neanderthal (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis), and as an early representative of Homo sapiens in a generalized sense.” (Day 1986: 91-95).

The consensus among paleoanthropologists today is that the cranium belongs to an archaic hominid distinguished from Homo erectus, and from both the classic Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans.

Research published in the US in 1971 in the prestigious Archaeology magazine, backed up the findings that the skull was indeed 700,000 years old. This was based on an analysis of the cave’s stratigraphy and the sediment in which the skull was embedded within.

Further research in the cave discovered isolated teeth and two pre-human skeletons dating back 800,000 years, as well as other fossils of various species. Today, most academics who have analyzed the Petralona remains say that the cranium of the Archanthropus of Petralona belongs to an archaic hominid distinguished from Homo erectus, and from both the classic Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans, but showing characteristics of all those species and presenting strong European traits. The Petralona hominid, specifically, was located in a stratigraphic layer containing the most amount of tools and traces of habitation. Poulianos states that the age of the overall layer is approximately 670,000 years old, based on electron spin resonance measurements. Further excavations at Petralona revealed two human skeletons that were dated to be 800,000 years old. Any skull found in Greece dating back at least 700,000 years which is either Homo sapien or part Homo sapien is in direct conflict with the Out-of-Africa theory of human evolution. (More on this HERE).

To complicate matters even more for the scientific and archeology community, which also means us and the view of the real world, we also have the very recent discovery of “Enigma Man”. This discovery again throws other previous “accepted” evolutionary models into the trash bin and seems to fall in line with the facts presented about the above Petralona Man.

Interestingly, scientific results show that there were distinct African and Asian populations of the larger general species Homo erectus. This leads to the use of the term “Homo erectus sensu stricto” for the Asian Homo erectus. Homo erectus remains one of the most long-lived species of Homo, having existed over a million years, while it is interpreted by some that Homo sapiens so far has existed for 200,000 years.

“Petralona Man” however has been dated to around 800,000 years. DNA evidences also suggest that the ancestors of a part of the African population had in fact genetically interbred by inter-racial (inter-species) mating with another species of hominin that was separate from modern humans, it is thought by some scientists to most likely be Homo erectus, who’s offspring can even be found today.

DNA results attest that EEMH (aka Cro-Magnon) and Asian multiregional evolutionary models did not follow the same process as the African evolutionary model. (You will see later the amazing facts of how Cro-Magnons (aka EEMH) from at least 40,000 years ago is not only synonymous to EEMH genetically and in physical features, but that Cro-Magnon contradicts Darwinian and any evolutionary patterns also. Cro-Magnons appeared in Europe and Eurasia as a completely new separate species of human and an archeological anomaly, an EEMH population that did not resemble any other human population on earth, and his appearance can not be accounted for using previous evolutionary patterns. Also, Petralona Man adds another evidence that contradicts some current interpretations. Poulianos has shown evidence that the skull found in Petralona (Greece) may in fact be the lineage responsible for the Thessalian Lower Paleolithic sites.

Even in the scientific/archeology/paleoanthropology community, a large segment are in disagreement with previous interpretations. As just a few of numerous examples, when it was first discovered in 1974, Lucy was immediately “interpreted” and hailed as some kind of early human. After more intensive studies however, it was found to be just an ape. A hominid yes, (primate) but just a very, very old ape, of which it isn’t even certain if it’s a male or female or whether it was a biped at all.

Java man was also not a proof of an intermediary between apes or humans but was in fact found to be just an ancestor to modern gibbons. Australopithecus Ramidus, a 4.4 million year old pygmy chimpanzee-like creature, discovered at Aramis in Ethiopia by Professor Timothy White in 1994, despite a 70% complete skeleton, it has again not been possible to prove categorically whether it had two or four legs. Australopithecus Anamensis was dated between 4.1-3.9 million years old, discovered at Lake Turkana in Kenya by Dr. Meave Leakey in August 1995, only it’s shinbone fragment has been used to back up the claim that it walked on two feet.

It also should be noted that in all these and other cases, many of the skulls appear much more like modern day chimpanzee skulls than anything approaching human. Perhaps they are apes that in some way walked on two feet at some time, and probably they didn’t at all, but in the end they are all still ape and monkey bones and skulls.

There has actually not been found even one “missing link” to this day which shows some evolutionary theories, a very problematic fact that questions some previous basic ideas, a great giant gap of time with absolutely no clues or evidences. Many theories based on these old ape (hominin) bones, many times involving just a few pieces of bone or teeth or a tooth or part of a skull, are in fact just pieces of very old apes and monkeys. “Piltdown man” was discovered to be an outright forgery from the start.

As already touched upon, newer and more recent discoveries and scientific study results constantly, greatly diverge and even contradict from what was popularly believed. New sticks & bones are constantly being thrown into the machinery leaving even scientists and archeologists to wonder again & theorize new scenarios and scientific models. However, these days modern scientific methods and evidence throws new facts into our faces regularly, facts which correlate and give a better understanding.

Skeletal evidence seems to point that evolutionary theories based on skull differences are imaginary, as even today there are visible differences found from throughout the world. These differences actually consist of variations among different human races that have existed in the past, some of which have become extinct. It is then quite evident that what we see is the result of different human races living in the past and at the same time, and not indicating different species or subspecies on a long evolutionary path.

What we are finding today is instead skeletal remains of different homo races that once lived in the past, some went extinct, and some contributed to another nearby human race that was living at the same time as them, others went on to forge new futures and had different histories without the same regional evolution process.

(In the meantime we are also still finding many archaic monkey/ape bones as already shown, those skeletal remains are also remains of different ape hominin races, and also sometimes skeletal remains simply showing variation just as is evident in human races). Today we can see modern skulls that have archaic traits from 1 million years ago and some that are the same as the ones found 45,000 years ago or even very similar to some of the ones from 1 million years ago. (Which again contradicts evolution theory).

Besides the 3 most well known and documented human races, i.E: Cro-Magnons, Neanderthals and Denisovans, how many more races of humans lived in the past, we don’t know, but the evidence that they existed is seen today. Only time and future archeological discoveries will tell.


Additional Research:

“Using evidence from the rock record and fossil record, scientists have developed the geologic time-scale. The geologic time-scale is an outline of major events in the earth’s history.”

– R.H. Marshall & D.H. Jacobs, General Science: Teacher’s Edition, AGS Publishing, 2004, p.305

 The Geologic Column is the bible for the evolutionist. All discoveries must line up and be interpreted by this geologic column, or they are thrown out, and this is a major issue since huge amounts of facts and evidence are tossed aside due to the worship of this column.

Textbooks declare the geologic column to be factual chronological history of the earth, but the whole thing was made up by pure imagination; and one textbook author was willing to admit this:


With the help of a couple other people, Charles Lyell created the geologic column from pure hypothetical imagination. It was not based on experimentation and discovery via traveling the world and digging through sediment layers.

Charles Lyell introduced a lie called “uniformitarianism,” which is based on pure assumption. Uniformitarianism in geology basically means the slow geological processes we witness today are the way it’s always been for millions and billions of years. A real-life geologic column should be over 100 miles thick, and should contain almost all remnants of the geologic time periods, but in actual investigative research, neither of those conditions are found to be true.

“This standard (geologic) column is supposed to be at least 100 miles (160 km) thick, some writers say up to 200 miles (320 km), representing the total sedimentary activity of all of the geologic ages. However, the average thickness of each local geologic column is about one mile, in some places, the column has essentially zero thickness, in a few places it may be up to 16 or so miles (25 km), but the worldwide average is about one mile (1.6 km). The standard column has been built up by superposition of local columns from many different localities.”

– Dr. Henry M. Morris & Gary Parker, What is Creation Science?, Master Books, 1982, p.230-232

“The notion that the earth’s crust has an “onion skin” structure with successive layers containing all strata systems distributed on a global scale is not according to the facts…approximately 77% of the earth’s surface area on land and under the sea has seven or more (70% or more) of the strata systems missing beneath; 94% of the earth’s surface has three or more systems missing beneath; and an estimated 99.6% has at least one missing system.”

– Dr. Steven A. Austin, “Ten Misconceptions About the Geologic Column,” Institute for Creation Research, retrieved Mar 2, 2011

 This isn’t a situation where the evolution model is slightly off the mark. The evolution model doesn’t even come close to what we witness in reality! Yet, this model still continues as a fact in modern textbooks because it deceives students into believing the geologic column has something to do with facts.

“Eighty to eighty-five percent of Earth’s land surface does not have even 3 geologic periods appearing in “correct” consecutive order. It becomes an overall exercise of gargantuan special pleading and imagination for the evolutionary-uniformitarian paradigm to maintain that there ever were geologic periods.”

– Geologist Dr. John Woodmorappe, “The Essential Non-Existence of the Evolutionary Uniformitarian Geologic Column,” CRSQ, Vol. 18, No. 1, June 1981, p.46-71

“Only a few locations on earth (about 0.4% of its area) have been described with the succession of the ten systems beneath (west Nepal, west Bolivia, and central Poland). Even where the ten systems may be present, geologists recognize individual systems to be incomplete. The entire geologic column, composed of complete strata systems, exists only in the diagrams drawn by geologists!”

– Dr. Steven A. Austin, “Ten Misconceptions About the Geologic Column,” Institute for Creation Research, retrieved Mar 2, 2011

 In other words, what Dr. Austin just said is that the only place you will find the geologic column is in the textbooks! The geologic column doesn’t even exist in reality. Some evolutionists will say there are around 30 places on the earth that demonstrate the geologic column, but that is not true because it only means there are 30 places on the earth where the fossils line up the way the evolutionists want them to, but that doesn’t mean the geologic column exists with its many miles of strata.

“The (geologic) column is supposed to represent a vertical cross-section through the earth’s crust, with the most recently deposited (therefore youngest) rocks at the surface and the oldest, earliest rocks deposited on the crystalline “basement” rocks at the bottom. If one wishes to check out this standard column…where can he go to see it for himself? There is only one place in all the world to see the standard geologic column. That’s in the textbook!”

– Dr. Henry M. Morris & Gary Parker, What is Creation Science?, Master Books, 1982, p.230-232

Some evolutionists have been a bit more willing to be honest about this imaginary column:

“Popper was describing the logical structure of the way things ought to be. In the real world, in the competitive fray that is science, data forging, plagiarism and all manner of base and venal but utterly human failings make a mockery of the counterimage of detached objectivity. Such pure, dispassionate, cold logic is rare–though more common, one assumes than the cheating of its opposite extremes.”

– Niles Eldredge (Evolutionary paleontologist), Time Frames: The Rethinking of Darwinian Evolution and the Theory of Punctuated Equilibira, Simon and Schuster, 1985, p.46-47

In case you didn’t understand what he was saying, the geologic column (“logical structure“) is the way things ought to be IF evolution was true, however, the truth is that there is a lot of deception and lies (“data forging, plagiarism, etc“) that mocks the real world of mixed layers that look nothing like the geologic column (“detached   objectivity“). He finishes by saying that an evolutionist using good logic and honesty is rare, but people decide to respect their person and ASSUME that they would never lie and cheat for a paycheck and fame, and specifically points out the description of (“dispassionate“), to emphasize the emotional zeal at which evolutionary geologists perpetrate the lies.

“It is crucial, in our evolution, to think for ourselves and to question authority. In this practice, be bold, be brave, while also being cognizant of the consequences.”

– Donna M. Thomas

“You must never be limited by external authority, whether it be vested in a church, man or book. It is your right to question, challenge and investigate.”

– Bhagat Singh Thind

“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

– Albert Einstein

“It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”

– Benjamin Franklin



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